News and blogs

School children in a classroom with their hands up

More than 16,000 of you joined us to make a stand

The overwhelming response to our recent petition calling for governments to ensure every child with epilepsy has a current Independent Healthcare Plan (IHP) in school has shown just how critical this issue is.

Bottle of topiramate medication=

New topiramate safety measures and pregnancy

Topiramate, also known by the brand name Topamax, is an anti-seizure medication. Doctors should no longer prescribe topiramate to treat epilepsy during pregnancy unless there is no suitable alternative treatment. Girls and women whose periods have started will need to take steps to avoid pregnancy if they take topiramate.

Photograph of the front door of number 10 Downing Street

Peerage for Jane Ramsey

Jane Ramsey, Young Epilepsy Chair of Trustees, is to have a peerage conferred by His Majesty The King.

Epilepsy medication shortages

Difficulty getting your meds?

The UK is experiencing shortages in certain medications, many of which are prescribed for epilepsy. If you are worried about your supply of anti-seizure medications or are having difficulty getting hold of certain prescribed medications speak to your epilepsy team for more advice. Do not stop taking your medication or reduce dosage. Always speak to your doctor before making any changes to your meds.

medication pills

Changes to Advice for Males on Valproate

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has recently updated their advice for all males taking valproate. Learn more about the new guidance.