Nearly every hour a child or young person is diagnosed with epilepsy in the UK.
That's 23 every day. No child should face this alone.
In the lead up to Purple Day we asked you to share your story with us and together we are highlighting the experiences of 23 young people living with epilepsy, to demonstrate the 23 that are diagnosed every single day.
For each of those 23, the experience and the impact of epilepsy will be different. We know there are many types of seizures, triggers and treatments as well as the undeniable impact on other areas of childhood and life in general.
23 Faces puts a face and a story to each of the young people diagnosed with epilepsy every day. You can follow 23 Faces across our social channels, where we will feature a different face daily throughout March until Purple Day.
I’ve had epilepsy since I was three and my epilepsy makes my brain feel a little bit fuzzy.Ivy

I was diagnosed as a baby at 11 months old. My epilepsy makes me feel left out because I can't do half of the things normal people can do.Osiris