Royal Parks Half Marathon Runner

Do your own thing

FUNdraising doesn't have to be hard or take up a lot of time, but the clue’s in the name, it has to be FUN! 

Be creative and get your friends, family and colleagues involved at home, work or school. We love seeing new and unique ideas from #TeamPossible 

We have everything you need to get started with loads of  ideas to inspire you,  plus t-shirts, balloons, stickers, collection boxes and sponsorship forms. Download our fundraising pack today.  

Make it happen! 

Oxford Half Marathon runners

Join #TeamPossible! today!

By working with us you are helping create a future where young people with epilepsy are heard, and they get the support they need, when they need it, no matter what.

Show children and young people with epilepsy that you’re on their team!

Register your fundraising idea
Graphic design of hands holding a heart

Choose your activity

It can be almost anything; a run, walk, bingo, comedy night, virtual pub quiz, or kicking a habit!

Find ideas and inspiration here

Get involved
Graphic design of a calendar on a purple background

Pick a date

Your event can be completed over multiple sessions or days.
graphic design of a mobile phone with a megaphone on the screen

Get people involved

Share your page on social media, texts, WhatsApp and build up your donations.

How to fundraise on social media

Zac blew us away by completing an 8-mile run to celebrate his 8th birthday raising an incredible £2,525!

Your fundraising pack

Download today!

Whatever you decide to do we're here to support you. Let us know what your idea is, get in touch today and call our Fundraising Team on 01342 831245 or email

Ways to pay:

By post: Please make any cheques payable to ‘Young Epilepsy’ and send to us at: Fundraising, Young Epilepsy, St Piers Lane, Lingfield, Surrey. RH7 6PW. Please DO NOT send any cash donations by post.

By bank transfer: Please provide your name and email address on this form to access our bank account details. This will help us to identify your gift when it arrives in our account so we can confirm receipt and say thank you. If you add your name as a reference on the transfer even better!

Fundraising page: If you’ve set up an online fundraising page, there’s nothing more you need to do – your supporters donate online and the platform sends it directly to us once your event is finished.

Credit/debit card: Donate any funds raised securely online through our Donate page here.

Other ways you can support us

Other ways you can support us

Join #TeamPossible TODAY!

Other ways you can support us

Give time

There are lots of ways you can support us by giving your time; be a campaigner,  a young supporter, blog for us or share your story of living with epilepsy.