together we create possible
Young Epilepsy is dedicated to standing up with and for children and young people with epilepsy. It’s our job to listen and work with them so they can fulfil their potential.
We exist to support more children and young people with epilepsy to achieve positive change in their lives, through social action, influencing, campaigning and advocacy work.
Our mission is to create a society where children and young people with epilepsy are enabled to thrive and fulfil their potential. A society in which their voices are respected and their ambitions realised.
Led by young people’s voices, their lived experiences and upholding the core principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, we aim to improve systems of support for young people with epilepsy and tackle the inequities they too often face.
Our campaign and policy priorities are:
- More investment in childhood epilepsy research
- Improved health services, with better access for children and young people to Epilepsy Nurse Specialists
- Quicker and more accurate diagnosis, and improving referrals to tertiary care (surgery)
- Mental health screening and support as part of children's epilepsy care
- Inclusion in all aspects of life, especially at school
- Better transitions, especially from paediatric to adult health services