A group of young people at sunset smiling into the horizon

National Epilepsy Week 2024

National Epilepsy Week is a vital time to raise awareness and support the rights and well-being of individuals with epilepsy. At Young Epilepsy, we are dedicated to ensuring every child with epilepsy is safe and included in school. This year's campaign highlights the importance of inclusion and education, calling on everyone to support our mission and sign our petition.

Sign the petition

Inclusion in Schools

Children with epilepsy often face challenges in educational settings. For National Epilepsy Week 2024, we are stressing the need for schools to create inclusive environments where every student, regardless of their health condition, can thrive. By educating teachers and staff about epilepsy, implementing effective support systems, and fostering an understanding community, we can ensure that children with epilepsy receive the education they deserve.

Get Involved

Your involvement is key to the success of National Epilepsy Week. Here are some ways you can participate:

  • Spread Awareness: Share information about epilepsy and our campaign on social media using #NationalEpilepsyWeek.
  • Educate: Take time to learn about epilepsy and educate others in your community.
  • Donate: Support our ongoing efforts by making a donation to Young Epilepsy.

Together, we can make a significant impact and ensure that children with epilepsy receive the support and inclusion they need in schools. Let’s work towards a future where every child with epilepsy feels safe, supported, and valued in their educational journey.

Join us this National Epilepsy Week and help us champion inclusion and education for all children, like Ruben, with epilepsy.
I had to leave my school because they didn't understand my epilepsy. I was disappointed because I had to leave all my friends behind, had to leave the whole school, which I loved, and it hurt me. I miss my friends. Because my friends see me.
Young boy at Young Epilepsy Family Day

Sign our petition

Tell UK governments to ensure that Individual Healthcare Plans (IHPs) are in place for every child with epilepsy in schools.

IHPs are crucial. They equip school staff with the knowledge they need to understand each child’s epilepsy, help to ensure their safety, and enable full participation in all school activities.

Sign the Petition Now

Collaboration with Epilepsy Charities and Organisations

This National Epilepsy Week, we are proud to join forces with other epilepsy charities and organisations. By working together, we can enhance our efforts and bring about meaningful change for those affected by epilepsy. Collaboration allows us to share resources, spread awareness more effectively, and support each other in our common goal of improving the lives of people with epilepsy.

We want to hear from you

We want to hear about your experience, what have you been told you can't do, but you know you can? 

Get in touch