What can I expect?
So, what does transition look like? Importantly, it’s a process, rather than one appointment with your paediatric consultant (children’s epilepsy doctor), and the next with another epilepsy doctor entirely.
Part of this process might involve you visiting an adolescent (or young people’s) clinic before moving onto an adult one. Transition is flexible and the actual process may depend on where you live in the country. But either way, your epilepsy doctors will have the following ultimate goals:
- You should have a period of time when you see both paediatric and adult epilepsy medical teams to make sure your care is continuous and not disjointed
- Your transition should be fully explained to you throughout
- Your changeover from paediatric to adult care should be seamless and smooth
Part of the transition process involves giving you more say, and more power, in the decisions that affect your care, and ultimately, your life. While this is a great opportunity, it can feel daunting.
This is a perfectly natural concern, and we promise you that you’re not going to be left alone to deal with transition. The more your doctors plan with you, the smoother and more successful your transition will be.
Your transition might involve you starting to book your own appointments and perhaps attending with your mum, dad or other adult sitting outside. You could begin to feel more in charge as a young person by recording your own seizure diary and making a note of anything different or that you want to ask at your next appointment.
You’ll know the importance of your meds, but perhaps until now, someone else has given them to you. During transition, your epilepsy doctors may start to encourage you to take more responsibility for taking your meds at the right time. They may also talk to you about how you go about getting your repeat prescriptions.
Your doctor may also start to introduce topics that you might find embarrassing, such as dating, sex, drinking alcohol and taking drugs. So perhaps all the more reason to have your parent/carer outside.
Importantly, transition should take place over a number of years, helping to gradually empower you into becoming a confident young adult.