Online Youth Clubs: Group of trendy young people chatting together sitting on a bench outdoors. Students having fun together.

Going out

Epilepsy shouldn't hold you back from enjoying a social life. Find tips on how to stay safe while having fun with friends, all from other young people living with epilepsy. 

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What are you looking for?

You’ve got the moves and you want to bust them on the dancefloor. You want an active social life that celebrates life. So, epilepsy shouldn’t hold you back, right? But don’t be hard on yourself if you’ve let it slow you down a little or have felt anxious about a night out. Hands up if you’ve wanted to google a venue first -before you agree to go? To check for strobe lights, the number of stairs and if the door staff are medically trained?

You’re not alone.

For many young people with epilepsy, a night out can be as stressful as it is social. But that stops here. You shouldn’t feel like the odd one out – you just need to do a little planning in advance.

Late nights, a busy party lifestyle, alcohol and drugs can all be a trigger for seizures. So can a stressful job and a workaholic lifestyle with no downtime. Knowing your triggers and striking a good balance between relaxing and recreation is key to a successful, and safe, social life.

Can I drink with epilepsy?

Explore the considerations around drinking alcohol for people with epilepsy, and tips for making informed decisions about drinking.

Going out tips

Read tips for going out safely while managing epilepsy, from other young people living with epilepsy

lauren and her friend

Lauren's top tips for managing a social life

Epilepsy can be isolating at times, but you can still enjoy yourself. I like to go out to events and spend time with close friends when I can. I try not to let the condition stop me from having fun.

Read Lauren's Advice

Olivia's blog on social life

It has taken me a while to find a happy medium as having a social life with epilepsy can ultimately be tricky. 

Here are some tips that will hopefully help you, your epilepsy, and your social life. 

Read Olivia's advice

The Channel

A space for young people, aged 13+, who are living with epilepsy, for them to share, learn and find support.