Impact on learning
Different people have different experiences of how epilepsy affects them at school. Not every young person with epilepsy will experience difficulties learning. But some people may find they have more difficulty learning than students who don’t have epilepsy. Reasons for this can include:
- Seizures and the impact they have such as feeling tired or losing concentration.
- Side effects of anti-seizure medication such as a lack of energy or drowsiness.
- Other conditions such as autism or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
- Any underlying cause of epilepsy, such as a brain injury.
You may experience problems with:
- Listening to and understanding information and finding the right words (communication)
- Memory and concentration (cognition)
- Coordination. For example, finding it difficult to write, kick a ball or hit a ball with a bat (motor skills)
These can affect your learning. But there are lots of things your school can do to support you, including:
- Repeating and rephrasing information.
- Using visual prompts and aids.
- Providing information in chunks.
- Recapping information.
- Allowing additional time.
- Adapting tasks or activities.
If you are having difficulties speak to your teachers, family or carers. They are there to help you.
Young Epilepsy has developed the ABLE tool (Assessment of Behaviour and Learning in Epilepsy). It aims to help your teachers, parents or carers understand more about how epilepsy affects you and help them make sure you have the support you need.