New valproate measures to begin in January 2024
The medicines regulator has asked healthcare organisations to plan for new measures related to the anti-seizure medication valproate. These changes will start to be rolled out from January 2024.
The medicines regulator has asked healthcare organisations to plan for new measures related to the anti-seizure medication valproate. These changes will start to be rolled out from January 2024.
BBC's The One Show filmed three young people sharing their stories as part of the #UnderstandMyEpilepsy campaign.
Rosemarie Pardington, Deputy CEO at Young Epilepsy will take over as CEO at Epilepsy Research Institute UK
To mark the official launch of the Epilepsy Research Institute UK (ERI UK) Young Epilepsy CEO, Mark Devlin and Head of Health, Research and Compliance, Rosemarie Pardington, attended a reception at the famous address with George Freeman MP, Minister for Science, Research and Innovation.
NHS England has launched a new ‘bundle of care’ for children’s epilepsy services setting out standards that all young people should expect.
This month sees us launching our new Understand My Epilepsy campaign. We are standing shoulder to shoulder with young people living with epilepsy across the UK and tackling the issue of inclusion.
We are delighted to have been awarded the prestigious accolade of flagship status by the National Youth Agency (NYA) Hear by Right accreditation scheme. The award comes after our consistent commitment to put young people at the forefront of everything we do.
Gene-STEPS: Global genomic collaboration improves lives and treatment for children with epilepsy
The latest figures from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) show that epilepsy care for children is improving, but access to services still varies greatly.
A mum is raising awareness of the early signs of epilepsy after her five-year-old son Ruben was accused of 'daydreaming' in class - he now has around 15 absence seizures a day.