National Epilepsy Week 2019


During the week we will be focussing on three simple words which are essential in supporting young people with epilepsy – safe, included and happy.

They can mean something different to everyone, of course, but to a young person with epilepsy they’re particularly important…


We have launched a brand new online resource for schools, to help them keep children and young people with epilepsy safe and supported in their settings. Our studies have shown that there’s an urgent need for education professionals to have access to information that will not only enable them to keep a child safe if they have a seizure, but also give them a greater understanding of how they can best support the young person in their educational development.


We know that many children are being excluded from activities and opportunities purely because of their diagnosis; it’s a sign of how little is understood about the condition and gives an insight into the many challenges young people face above and beyond coping with seizures. We have joined forces with some amazing people who know first-hand how it feels to learn to live with epilepsy, and will be sharing their inspirational, moving (and sometimes hilarious) stories.


Children and young people with epilepsy need a robust support network around them to help them live a full life. Parents are, obviously, an essential part of this team who need specialist advice and practical tools to help them understand what their child is experiencing. During National Epilepsy Week we’ll be hosting a special event for parents and carers; empowering them to learn more about their child’s condition so that they feel more confident in allowing their child the freedom and support they need to live a fulfilled life.

This is just a taster of what’s going on and we’d love you to get involved!

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