Woman wearing a black t-shirt and girl in pink, probably Mum and daughter smile at the camera with a blue sky and cornfield back drop.daughter

Parents and carers

We're here to help

As a parent of a child or young person with epilepsy life can be really hard.  You and your child might be feeling anxious and lonely, and the condition is often misunderstood. You don't know what the right thing to do is. But you are not alone.

We can help; with information and resources to support your child at home and at school. We can also help connect you with other parents who understand what you are going through and share their experiences with you.  

Discover how we can help below, or explore our Information for parents and carers pages.


Parnts and carers with their children at a play group

Guide for schools

This guide is for people who work in schools or other educational settings. It provides wide-ranging information, guidance and educational strategies for supporting young people with epilepsy to ensure they are safe and included in all aspects of school life.

Youth Support Services

Our Support and inclusion team works with young people and their families to help them through their diagnosis and beyond, to better understand their rights, as well as helping them get access to the right services and support.

Visiting our health centre

Young Epilepsy's health centre offers diagnostic and rehabilitation and rehabilitation services, with in inpatient and outpatient services for children and young people with epilepsy.

Information for Parents and Carers

This section covers a wide range of information for parents and carers of children and young people with epilepsy.

Subjects covered include your child’s earliest development, sleep development, monitoring for seizures, nursery, preschool, school, exams and higher education, and learning and behaviour problems.

There are detailed sections on UK education laws and medical conditions, and the different special educational needs (SEN) support systems in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Find out here how best to explain epilepsy to your child and look after them – and yourself too.

Also covered are other conditions children with epilepsy often have, and the healthcare professionals who’ll be involved in your child’s care from the very start.

You’ll also find information and resources to help with practicalities as your child moves through adolescence into young adulthood.

Information for parents and carers

Information for parents and carers

Epilepsy and your developing child

Discover resources and guidance for supporting the development of children with epilepsy. Learn effective strategies and tips for parents and carers.

Information for parents and carers

Your child's education

Access resources and strategies for supporting the education of children with epilepsy. Learn how to effectively manage their learning needs.

Information for parents and carers

Useful questionnaires and forms

Access essential questionnaires and forms for parents and carers, and professionals, who care for children and young people with epilepsy.

Last updated December 2023.

We’re currently reviewing this information. The next update will be 2026. If you would like to find out more about how we produce our information, or the sources of evidence we use, please contact us at healthinfo@youngepilepsy.org.uk