Useful questionnaires and forms

On this page you’ll find a full list of useful questionnaires and forms for people who support children and young people with epilepsy.

 Individual healthcare plan (IHP)

The purpose of the IHP is to capture detailed information about a child or young person with epilepsy, including seizure type, treatment, how to administer medication and emergency contact, and how their epilepsy affects their learning and behaviour.

Please note: the IHP is a school-based/owned document to help schools meet their duties to support children with long term health conditions. 

IHPs  are for the school to complete in conjunction with the child or young person with epilepsy, their parents or carers, and their healthcare professionals.The school is responsible for implementing the IHP.

Download the Individual healthcare plan template

Assessment of Behaviour and Learning in Epilepsy (ABLE) tool

The ABLE tool is a simple questionnaire that parents and school staff can use to identify areas in cognition and behaviour that might affect learning in a young person with epilepsy. 

Parents, carers and teachers should make sure to share the results from their completed forms.

Download the ABLE tool 

Seizure observation and treatment form

To provide information about a seizure that has happened, and any emergency medication given. This is useful for parents, carers and healthcare professionals to know and may inform future planning for the child.

Download the Seizure observation and treatment form 

Seizure record chart

This chart records the frequency and types of any seizures. It can identify patterns in seizure activity that can help to give healthcare professionals a better idea of how best to treat a child.

Download the Seizure record chart

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