How is epilepsy diagnosed
Get information on referral and assessment for diagnosis after a first suspected epileptic seizure with Young Epilepsy.
Last updated December 2023.
We’re currently reviewing this information. The next update will be 2025. If you would like to find out more about how we produce our information, or the sources of evidence we use, please contact us at healthinfo@youngepilepsy.org.uk
Get information on referral and assessment for diagnosis after a first suspected epileptic seizure with Young Epilepsy.
Discover how to support a child’s assessment for epilepsy diagnosis after a suspected seizure, with helpful guidance and tips for parents and caregivers.
Learn about EEG testing and other diagnostic tools, like OPM-MEG and video telemetry, used to identify brain activity patterns for epilepsy diagnosis.
Learn about the types of brain scans used to diagnose epilepsy in children and young people at Young Epilepsy.
Explore blood, genetic, and other tests used in epilepsy diagnosis, and understand when and why each test is important in the diagnostic process.
Learn about the causes of epilepsy, including genetic, metabolic, unknown origins, and epilepsy in infants, from Young Epilepsy.
Learn about common childhood and rare infancy epilepsy syndromes in this informative guide from Young Epilepsy.
Understand epileptic seizures, their types, causes, and management. Find resources and support for living with epilepsy.
Explore various epilepsy treatments, including medication, surgery, and dietary options. Find resources and support for managing epilepsy effectively.
Explore common co-occurring conditions with epilepsy, including autism, ADHD, and DCD (dyspraxia), and how they impact children with epilepsy.
Learn about SUDEP, the risks to children and young people with epilepsy, and how to reduce them.