News and blogs


#OnTopofEpilepsy campaign

The Youth Voice Network have played an integral part in the #OnTopofEpilepsy campaign - see how we have achieved success!

Ruben in a yellow t-shirt

I am Ruben

Meet Ruben, one of the heroes of our #UnderstandMyEpilepsy Campaign. Ruben is 11 and experiences Absence Seizures. For Ruben this has meant that he is now home schooled as his teachers didn't understand his epilepsy and the challenges that he faced.


Epilepsy and Ramadan

Fasting during Ramadan can be a challenging and sometimes fearful time for those with epilepsy, or other medical conditions. Miriam gives her advice on taking part safely, IF you feel you want to.


I am me, not my Autism

Livvy was diagnosed with Autism just after her 18th birthday. In her blog she discusses how she always 'felt different' and calls for greater understanding towards autism.

woman swimming

My Saviour is Swimming

Find out how Faye found solace in swimming after her epilepsy diagnosis, and how she recommends exercise to anyone with epilepsy.