What is the Challenge?
- 26 Miles in 26 Days in March
- Walk, run or push – do your miles your way
- A free exclusive t-shirt for your challenge when you raise over £25
- Raise awareness and life changing funds
Get your FREE exclusive t-shirt to take part in once you’ve raised over £25.
The 26th of March is Purple Day, the International Day of Epilepsy awareness. By taking part in this challenge, you will be raising awareness and raising life changing funds for children and young people with epilepsy.
There are just three simple steps you need to take to get started:
- Register and get a FREE exclusive Purple Day t-shirt for your challenge when you've raised over £25
- Set up your fundraising page (Click Start fundraising on the page)
Complete your 26 miles in March up to Purple Day on the 26th

Together, we create possible.
Epilepsy can be one of the most frightening and isolating conditions a young person can experience. The loss of any sense of safety, trapped in an unpredictable world, not knowing when their next seizure will happen. All this takes its toll on a child’s mental and physical health, and they miss out. You can help change that.
Show your support and help create a future where young people with epilepsy are heard, and they get the support they need, when they need it, no matter what.
What do we do?
Children and young people with epilepsy have a right to be heard. We listen, and we work with them to make their lives better. We coordinate research that advances diagnostics and treatments. We campaign for children’s rights to access healthcare and education, and we provide innovative tools, information, and practical support for living everyday life.
Children and young people are actively involved in developing all our services, ensuring that young people are at the heart of everything we do.
If you wish to register your interest or have any questions, please email us supportercare@youngepilepsy.org.uk or call us on 01342 831245
Questions and answers
How do I raise funds?
We recommend you set up a JustGiving Page and set yourself a fundraising target of at least £300. Then share your page with your friends, family, and work colleagues.
Is there a minimum amount I need to raise?
No, we recommend that you aim to raise at least £300. A free Young Epilepsy t-shirt will be sent to you after you have raised £25
Is there an entry fee?
No, it is free to take part. We just ask you set up a sponsorship page and share it with your friends and family.
How do I keep a track of the miles?
We will not ask you for proof of the miles you have completed, however the people sponsoring you would probably like to know how you are getting on. We recommend that you update your fundraising page and social media platforms with how you are getting on and how many miles you have done.
Is there age limit for the 26 Miles in 26 days?
No, you can be any age. However, if you are under 18, we do ask for parental consent.
Do I have to join the 26 Miles in 26 Days Facebook group?
You do not have to join but it is a closed group for supporters of Young Epilepsy and a nice way to chat to other people taking part in challenges.
What is Purple Day?
Purple Day is an international effort dedicated to fundraising and increasing awareness about epilepsy. It’s THE day to get people talking about epilepsy, dispel myths about seizures, and raise funds for vital epilepsy services.
It’s a day for everyone who lives with epilepsy, for the family and friends who support them, and for anyone who wants to make a difference.
You can join #TeamPossible and show children and young people with epilepsy that we’re on their team.