Complex epilepsy

This page covers complex epilepsy, which is when a child experiences different types of seizures that are difficult to control with medication.

It also includes links to essential information to help you get further support for a child in school.

What is complex epilepsy? 

Sometimes, the term ‘complex epilepsy’ is used when a child has different seizure types that persist despite anti-seizure medications

When the seizures can’t be controlled by two anti-seizure medications – alone or in combination – this is known as ‘drug-resistant epilepsy’, which is also referred to as ‘intractable’, ‘refractory’ or ‘uncontrolled’ epilepsy.

A child with drug-resistant epilepsy should be referred to an epilepsy specialist to work out why their seizures aren’t controlled and to consider other treatment options, including:

Children with drug-resistant epilepsy may be more likely to be affected with developmental problems and will need more help in school. 

If you’re concerned about a child and their progress, you should speak to the child’s consultant about your concerns, and to their school about getting the right extra support.

Find out more about additional support at school.

Last updated December 2023.

We’re currently reviewing this information. The next update will be 2025. If you would like to find out more about how we produce our information, or the sources of evidence we use, please contact us at

Find out about different types of seizures

Find out about different types of seizures

Seizures in babies and infants

Learn about seizures in babies and infants, their causes, symptoms, and management. Find support and resources for your child's epilepsy.

Find out about different types of seizures

Generalised onset seizures

Learn about generalised onset seizures, their types, causes, and management. Find resources and support for children and young people with epilepsy.

Find out about different types of seizures

Focal onset seizures

Learn about epileptic seizures in babies and infants, including types and signs, from birth to one year old.

Find out about different types of seizures

Seizure triggers

Learn about common seizure triggers in children and young people, including poor sleep, missed medication, and flickering lights.

Find out about different types of seizures

Managing seizures

Learn how to manage seizures in children and young people with helpful templates and infographics for accurate seizure record-keeping.

Find out about different types of seizures

Monitoring seizures

Young Epilepsy’s information about nocturnal seizure monitors and other equipment, apps and services for parents of children with epilepsy.

More information about epilepsy

More information about epilepsy

Causes of epilepsy

Learn about the causes of epilepsy, including genetic, metabolic, unknown origins, and epilepsy in infants, from Young Epilepsy.

More information about epilepsy

Epilepsy syndromes

Learn about common childhood and rare infancy epilepsy syndromes in this informative guide from Young Epilepsy.

More information about epilepsy

Epileptic seizures

Understand epileptic seizures, their types, causes, and management. Find resources and support for living with epilepsy.

More information about epilepsy

Diagnosing epilepsy

Learn about epilepsy diagnosis, referral, assessments, and the tests used to help identify epilepsy at Young Epilepsy.

More information about epilepsy

Treatments for epilepsy

Explore various epilepsy treatments, including medication, surgery, and dietary options. Find resources and support for managing epilepsy effectively.

More information about epilepsy

Common co-occurring conditions

Explore common co-occurring conditions with epilepsy, including autism, ADHD, and DCD (dyspraxia), and how they impact children with epilepsy.