Starting nursery or preschool

This page covers written healthcare plans and local child development teams.

There are also healthcare plans and seizure observation and treatment form for you to download and use.

You’ll also finds links to our guidance for early years settings across the UK. 

Individual Healthcare Plan

Before your child starts nursery or preschool, it’s a good idea to meet with the person in charge to talk about your child’s epilepsy. 

A written plan, such as an individual healthcare plan, will really help them to understand your child’s epilepsy, what to expect and what they should do. 

You should expect the nursery or preschool to take reasonable steps (known as 'reasonable adjustments' in equality law) to make sure that your child is included in all of its activities. Find out more  about UK legal frameworks.  

Download the Individual Healthcare Plan

If your child is prescribed an emergency or rescue medication, then any staff who might have to give it to your child must be trained to do so. 

Download the Seizure observation and treatment form

Find out more about training for education settings 

Your local child development team

If your child’s development is delayed, or if they’re not making the progress you’d expect, it’s likely your doctor will have already referred them to your local NHS child development team.

Child development teams work with children from birth to school age who may have special needs.

They are multidisciplinary teams that include, for example, children’s doctors, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, physiotherapists and educational psychologists.

They will assess your child’s progress and work with you to support your child to develop their skills.

They will also visit the nursery to help the team there understand how best to work with your child.

Early years guidance

To find out more about the standards that school and childcare providers must meet for the learning, development and care of children in early years settings in the different parts of the UK, click on the links below:

Last updated December 2023.

We’re currently reviewing this information. The next update will be 2026. If you would like to find out more about how we produce our information, or the sources of evidence we use, please contact us at

Find out about epilepsy and education

Support at school

Access resources and strategies to support children with epilepsy at school. Learn how to manage their educational needs effectively.

Exams and coursework support

Access resources and strategies to support children with epilepsy during exams. Learn effective methods to manage their educational needs.

Higher education

Access resources and strategies to support children with epilepsy in higher education. Learn how to manage their educational needs effectively.

Information for parents and carers

Information for parents and carers

Epilepsy and your developing child

Discover resources and guidance for supporting the development of children with epilepsy. Learn effective strategies and tips for parents and carers.

Information for parents and carers

Your child's education

Access resources and strategies for supporting the education of children with epilepsy. Learn how to effectively manage their learning needs.

Information for parents and carers

Useful questionnaires and forms

Access essential questionnaires and forms for parents and carers, and professionals, who care for children and young people with epilepsy.