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Understand My Epilepsy Campaign

Tips for replying to your elected representatives

Over 16,000 people signed our #UnderstandMyEpilepsy petition to make sure children with epilepsy are safe and included at school. 

So many of you then went on to write to your elected representatives, asking them to take action to improve support at school for children with epilepsy.

We know some of you may have heard back and so here you will find hints and tips on how you can respond.

Writing back to the response from your elective representative will ensure we continue to encourage them to take action and push UK governments to make guidance for schools clearer so every child with epilepsy gets the support they need through an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP).

How you can reply....

Have they offered to write to the minister for schools on your behalf?  

If not, you could use this example response: 

Epilepsy support at school is an issue across the country, so I would be very grateful if you could write to the minister for schools to ask for national guidance to be reviewed. 

It’s so important that children with epilepsy (and other conditions) are able to participate at school. 

Have they said that the current guidance for schools is working well? 

If so, you could use this example response: 

Many children with epilepsy still do not have an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP) for school, with information on the support they need to be safe and included. 

You could also include information from our survey relevant to your nation: 

  • In England only 56% of children with epilepsy have an IHP for school 
  • In Wales only 54% of children with epilepsy have an IHP for school 
  • In Scotland only 53% of children have an IHP for school 
  • In Northern Ireland only 66% of children have an IHP for school 

Have they offered to write to the local authority/council or schools? 

If not, you could use this example response:

I would be grateful if you could write to the relevant leads at the local council and/or local schools about the importance of every child with epilepsy having an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP) at school. Young Epilepsy has free training and resources for schools, including a template IHP. 

Thank your elected representative for their time 

You may not agree with everything in their reply, but it is a good idea to thank them for their time, particularly if you are asking them to take further action. 

You can also include a thank you for anything specific that they have already said they will do. 

What if I haven’t received a reply from my elected representative?  

It’s fine to send a follow-up email asking when you can expect a reply. 

Find the right email address for your elected representative: 

If you would like a copy of your original message, please email us at