Young Epilepsy, Autistica & Epilepsy Research UK - Award

We are excited to announce the launch of a new funding call to help us better understand autism and epilepsy.

People who have both autism and epilepsy face some of the starkest inequalities in the world. We know that worldwide approximately 8.4 million people have both conditions. On average, they have poor quality of life, poor health and die early. Research into the relationships and interactions of the these conditions is vital to early diagnosis, early intervention and ultimately, improving lives.

Autistica, Epilepsy Research UK and Young Epilepsy are inviting applications from world class researchers who will create a dossier outlining the scientific evidence and scale of the issue in human, social and economic terms. The project will highlight the gaps and barriers to progress to date, and strategic or collaborative action that can be taken to address this issue.

The joint award, for up to £30,000 over six months, aims to fund the creation of an evidence dossier focusing on:

  • A literature review of globally published peer-reviewed papers that focus on both autism and epilepsy, from basic/fundamental science to applied, where appropriate.
  • Synthesis of existing economic analysis of the cost of epilepsy in autistic people/extrapolation from existing sources if the evidence base is limited.
  • Synthesis of all evidence to create a dossier that is accessible to a wide range of researchers, policymakers, funders and professionals.

How to apply:

Applicants should follow all guidance and instructions here, submitting by 1st May 2020 at 11:59 PM local UK time. Autistica reserves the right to return without review any proposals found not to be in compliance with the policies, procedures, and research priorities outlined in the call for proposals.


Please read the full guidance for applicants here The grant must be hosted at a UK institution although international collaborations are permitted. Eligibility must be demonstrated with a letter from your institution which you should submit with the application form.

About the funders:

Young Epilepsy exists to enable children and young people with epilepsy and related conditions to thrive and reach their ambitions. As part of Young Epilepsy’s new values, we plan to work in grater collaboration with organisations fighting for change for young people with epilepsy. This award is the second collaborative award of 2020, celebrating our 15th year as a research charity. Read more about Young Epilepsy’s research here: Research Report .

Autistica is the host charity of this award. Autistica is the UK’s leading autism research charity, harnessing the potential of cutting edge science to improve the lives of everyone affected by autism.

Epilepsy Research UK is the only charity exclusively dedicated to driving and enabling life changing, life saving research into epilepsy.