Create an account with an NHS Log in

This step by step guide is for patients who wish to register for a new or existing Patients Know Best record.  For more information visit PKB Manual - NHS App & NHS login ( 


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No account yet? Register here
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Already have a PKB account? First time users can click the Share button to join My Epilepsy


No PKB account? Click 'Register using NHS Login'

  • You will be directed to the NHS login sign in page
  • Enter your email and click continue
  • Enter your NHS login password & you will be sent a One Time Password (OTP) to your       mobile phone
  • Enter the OTP and click continue 
  • You will now need to agree to share your NHS login information with PKB
my epilepsy screenshot

You will be shown a registration form to complete

The form requires you to set up a password and security question for your PKB account, enter your address, and to accept both the User Agreement & Privacy Policy for PKB.

Complete the form and click next and you will be signed into PKB with your NHS login.

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