Treatment and support of co-occurring conditions with epilepsy

People with common co-occurring conditions with epilepsy should get coordinated care from a multidisciplinary team of different healthcare professionals.

Their routine care should also include reviews of different aspects of their mental health and development, and emotional wellbeing.

A multidisciplinary approach

There’s a greater chance of people with epilepsy also having mental health difficulties, learning disabilities and developmental disorders such as autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

People with epilepsy who have a mental health condition or learning disability should get coordinated care from a multidisciplinary team.

A multidisciplinary team is made up of different healthcare professionals, including, for example, GPs, paediatric (children's) epilepsy specialists and psychologists.

Children and young people with a complex childhood epilepsy syndrome can have developmental difficulties and cognitive impairment (memory and thinking are affected).

For these reasons, they may also need additional support from a multidisciplinary team.

The various healthcare specialists involved in the care of a person with epilepsy and a mental health problem should work together closely to agree a care plan.

Those providing coordinated care to people with epilepsy, a mental health problem or challenging behaviour should always follow the most up-to-date guidelines on best practice. This could include referral to other specialists.

Routine reviews

A diagnosis of epilepsy can greatly affect someone’s mental health. People with epilepsy can often feel left out and stigmatised (treated or viewed unfairly because of their epilepsy).

The routine care of people with epilepsy should, therefore, include reviews of:

  • Neurodevelopment – how the brain develops in terms of intellect, reading ability, social skills, memory, attention and focus
  • Cognitive function – the mental processes involved in learning and reasoning
  • Mental health
  • Social and emotional wellbeing
  • Learning disabilities

Children, young people and adults with epilepsy and depression should be offered treatment and support that follows the most up-to-date guidelines on best practice. This could include referral to other specialists. 

Those responsible for the care of people diagnosed with epilepsy should look out for signs of anxiety and other mental health difficulties.

They should also be aware of the risk of suicide in people diagnosed with epilepsy.

See also Epilepsy and emotional disorders.

Last updated December 2023.

We’re currently reviewing this information. The next update will be 2026. If you would like to find out more about how we produce our information, or the sources of evidence we use, please contact us at

Find out about common co-occurring conditions

Epilepsy and autism

Learn about the co-occurrence of autism and epilepsy, their risk factors, and management. Find support and resources for living with both conditions.

Epilepsy and emotional disorders

Learn about the link between epilepsy and emotional disorders in children, plus strategies to help them manage and lead a full, social life.

More information about epilepsy

More information about epilepsy

Causes of epilepsy

Learn about the causes of epilepsy, including genetic, metabolic, unknown origins, and epilepsy in infants, from Young Epilepsy.

More information about epilepsy

Epilepsy syndromes

Learn about common childhood and rare infancy epilepsy syndromes in this informative guide from Young Epilepsy.

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Epileptic seizures

Understand epileptic seizures, their types, causes, and management. Find resources and support for living with epilepsy.

More information about epilepsy

Diagnosing epilepsy

Learn about epilepsy diagnosis, referral, assessments, and the tests used to help identify epilepsy at Young Epilepsy.

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Treatments for epilepsy

Explore various epilepsy treatments, including medication, surgery, and dietary options. Find resources and support for managing epilepsy effectively.

More information about epilepsy

Common co-occurring conditions

Explore common co-occurring conditions with epilepsy, including autism, ADHD, and DCD (dyspraxia), and how they impact children with epilepsy.