Purple Day: Lauren's story

smiling girl

Having Epilepsy is difficult.

I have had it since I was four years old. I was really frightened of telling close friends about it because I thought keeping it to myself was ok. When I did open up about it, I felt better and lighter. I have been told that I am still bright, bubbly and very encouraging. I love to educate others on my epilepsy too. I’m not afraid if others ask me questions now. I’m also really grateful for Young Epilepsy as well because having their support and becoming a Young Representative changed my life.

I feel less alone.

Growing up, I would never talk about my mental health, my disability or anything personal. I would just let the thoughts fester. I eventually asked for help and spoke up about what I was going through. I now allow myself to dream as big as I like because I believe that you can achieve anything that you put your mind to. Asking for help is normal for me now as well.

Purple Day is important to me because I can celebrate the fact that my difference is now something that I accept. I used to want to be like everyone else. I constantly compared to others regarding my education, my hobbies and personal growth. I have become comfortable with where I am at in life now and I LOVE the fact that I have quirks. I also feel like every time I manage to do something that I have never done before, I remind myself that it’s the reason why I dream and imagine. I now live my life to the fullest and dance through life and mark every achievement that comes along.

There is only one of you in this world. You should be proud of yourself for getting up in the morning. You should be proud of your quirks. And I think that you’re pretty amazing!


What does Purple Day mean to me?

Purple day is important to me because it celebrates how far you’ve come in your own epilepsy journey. We all have struggles that we eventually overcome. For me, epilepsy is both difficult and inspiring. I'm proud of myself for staying really strong when it's come to my medication, my mental health and how this medical condition has impacted my life. I would like people to know that whatever you want to do in life, you should go after it!

My Epilepsy Journey

I never thought that my dreams would become a reality because I felt so different due to being an epileptic. I never thought that I would even get to a point where my seizures would stabilize, and I thought being diagnosed with epilepsy was the end. For anyone with a medical condition, we have good days and bad days, and you have to find things that make you happy.

Keeping a Positive Mindset

For me, acting is definitely a way to express myself and pour my emotions into being creative. My drama group is incredible and I’m so lucky to be surrounded by an amazing group of people who have allowed me to talk about my epilepsy and understand what I need. They have also been a massive help by being encouraging and telling me that I can achieve what I want.

Being a Young Rep has given me the chance to talk, listen, and meet lovely people who also have this condition. Getting involved with activities and other fun stuff is also so good to take part in. I love that sense of togetherness within the group and how different we are as individuals. We always support each other a lot and I love the fact that we are all on the same journey.

Being a drama student and a Young Rep are two things that have been very positive for me. I have built platforms for myself so that I am continuing to educate myself and help others who may be in the same position as me. I also have two different groups of people who support me and help me to remain positive and I know I can always get through a tough time.

Join me and Celebrate Purple Day!

I'm proud of myself for getting up in the morning, saying a positive quote and getting through my day. Purple day is a reminder of how far I’ve come, instead of letting negative thoughts and emotions consume my mind, through small achievements, I can continue to build myself up.

All I can say is that when you tell your story, it can inspire others. You are doing a good job. You are strong. You are amazing!