Grandparents’ story: Supporting our grandson with epilepsy

owen and his grandparents
Owen and his grandparents

What advice would you give to other grandparents of young people with epilepsy?

Familiarise yourself and be aware of any symptoms that may show themselves. Importantly make sure you have all up to date information and advice from the parents, how to deal with a seizure and how to administer emergency medication if necessary. Don't panic and keep the young person calm.

We think our lives have been made easier by the fact that Owen is so positive about his condition. We’ve been able to be more positive because of Owen’s awareness and fundraising work with Young Epilepsy and other organisations.

What have you learned about epilepsy?

Awareness and knowledge are key. We’re ashamed to say we hadn't ever thought about it before Owen was diagnosed. Being of the 'older generation', our parents may have known a person who had 'fits' but it was hushed up and never spoken about. It still surprises us how little knowledge wider family, friends and colleagues had. Because of our experiences they do want to know more and ask questions now.

What would you say to inspire other grandparents of children with epilepsy?

It really scared and worried us when Owen was diagnosed with epilepsy, but we learned to accept it and do our best to understand the condition. We hope we have supported Owen to the best of our ability and not treated him any differently to our other grandchildren. It is so important to give your support to the family as a whole. Face the worry and responsibility of being 'in charge' - give the parents a much needed break to have time out.

Lisa & Jon's Story: Our Son has epilepsy

Lisa Thurston

Real Life Stories: Living as parents of a child with epilepsy. Lisa and John discuss their experience of being the parents of a child with epilepsy. Their son, Owen, now 21, was diagnosed at the age of 6. Read their story here.

Susanna's story: Growing up with epilepsy


Susanna was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 3, and then high-functioning autism 13 years later. Her blog discusses how both of these diagnoses have impacted her life growing up.

Zac's diagnosis

James Knight

Zac had his first seizure, just aged 2. His parents describe their journey from then, until his diagnosis and beyond.