Young boy looks seriously at camera

Every child with epilepsy deserves to be safe and included at school

Sign the petition

No child should feel isolated or excluded at school. Children with epilepsy often face unnecessary barriers, leaving them lonely and struggling to keep up. Enough is enough! It's time for action to ensure every child has an equal opportunity to succeed.

Sign our petition today. Tell UK governments that they must ensure schools have an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP) for every child with epilepsy. 

IHPs are vital. They help school staff understand each child’s epilepsy, ensure their safety, and pave the way for full inclusion in every school activity.

Sign the petition

Shockingly, 1 in 3 children with epilepsy, like Ruben, are left without the crucial support they need at school.

I had to leave the school I loved, leaving friends behind because my teachers didn't understand my epilepsy. Absence seizures made me lose focus, but some thought I was daydreaming. I faced detentions, missed playtime, and felt unfairly treated compared to others.
- Ruben

The petition is part of our #UnderstandMyEpilepsy campaign which we launched last year - calling for every school across the UK to understand their students’ epilepsy. This means understanding their seizure type, their triggers, their medication side-effects, the impact on their learning. Understand their epilepsy and support them to be safe and included so that they can reach their potential.

Take action now and support the petition


Tell UK governments that children with epilepsy must be included fully in school life.


Can you help reach more people? Share the petition with your friends, family and colleagues.


Donate today. Help children with epilepsy to be safe and included at school. 

Every young person with epilepsy should have an Individual Healthcare Plan in school

IHPs are a lifeline. They help school staff understand each child’s epilepsy, ensure their safety, and pave the way for full inclusion in every school activity.

IHPs set out information about their condition and the support they need to be safe and included at school. The IHP should be developed jointly between the school, the young person, their parents or carers, and healthcare professionals.

Without an IHP children are being blocked from things they are capable of doing and are missing out on their childhood. Seizures missed or mistaken for not paying attention. School staff unaware of what to do when a seizure happens. Children unnecessarily excluded from learning, sports and trips. 

Sign the petition now and let's demand change!

IHP is a very important document for caring for children with epilepsy because it gives a detailed description of how the child's epilepsy affects them and what support they need to be fully included in school. - Teacher

Young people protesting

Let's make it happen

Tell UK governments that they must ensure schools have an Individual Healthcare Plan in place for every child with epilepsy.